[thb_iconbox icon=”basic_heart.svg” animation_speed=”1.25″ heading=”Made by hand” thb_icon_color=”#151515″ description=”All our lights are made by hand with love and care. Every sign is a unique item and a piece of art.”]
[thb_iconbox icon=”weather_sunset.svg” heading=”Eco-friendly” thb_icon_color=”#151515″ description=”All our lights are energy-efficient, extremely long-lasting and free of harmful gases.”]
[thb_iconbox icon=”weather_lightning.svg” animation_speed=”1.25″ heading=”Shatterproof” thb_icon_color=”#151515″ description=”All our lights are shatterproof and emit very little heat, making them safe to touch.”]
[thb_iconbox icon=”basic_eye.svg” heading=”24/7 visibility” thb_icon_color=”#151515″ description=”All our lights have excellent visibility due to their radiant glow, even in daylight.”]
[thb_iconbox icon=”basic_clessidre.svg” animation_speed=”1.25″ heading=”Long lifespan” thb_icon_color=”#151515″ description=”All our lights have a very long lifespan and are almost unbreakable, making them perfect for your home.”]
[thb_iconbox icon=”basic_lightbulb.svg” heading=”Dimmable” thb_icon_color=”#151515″ description=”All our lights are dimmable and perfect for those cozy movie nights, or as a nightlight for your nursery.”]
[thb_iconbox icon=”ecommerce_euro.svg” animation_speed=”1.25″ heading=”Energy saving” thb_icon_color=”#151515″ description=”All our lights are low voltage products and use very little energy to produce their eye-catching glow.”]
[thb_iconbox icon=”basic_sheet_pencil.svg” heading=”Personal touch” thb_icon_color=”#151515″ description=”All our lights can be custom-made, turn your handwriting or drawing into a personal LED neon sign.”]
[thb_button_text style=”style2″ link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fnoaluxshop.com%2Fshop%2F|title:Shop%20our%20signs||”]
[thb_instagram columns=”large-2″ column_padding=”low-padding” display_username=”true” display_username_alignment=”text-center” username=”noaluxco” number=”6″ access_token=”47879999.1677ed0.0f8911520fa541d1a9996151a0872d2b”]